Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Wait! Don't touch that free email from your ISP!

Go  see a lot of customers and other people who are not our customers who are using the free email account that they have been gifted with when they signed up for Internet service with their local Internet Service Provider. We often cringe when we see or hear of these email addresses. Don't get us wrong, they don't mean you are an inept technology user or that you will have a horrendous experience. We just know that there are so many better options out there that you could have chosen, but that's okay, you didn't know. Hopefully that's what we are here for, to be your trusted technology advisers.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Our New Office!

Brightworks CC is now located in downtown Ithaca at 123 West State Street. Come on down and check out our new office and it's super green walls.
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